5 Signs You Need Another Ad Agency

You have an ad agency. Things are going fine. Or maybe they aren’t. Your agency’s client service may be great, the creative so-so. Your creative may be awesome, but client service is more order-taking than proactive with help and ideas.

In today’s blisteringly fast pace of change in media, technology, and service delivery, no one agency can give you 100% of what you need 100% of the time. Increasingly, companies are partnering with a number of agencies based on the agencies’ main strengths.

Here are 5 signs you’re ready to expand your agency roster.

  1. No diversity of thought.

Today’s customers are getting more diverse and savvy every day. Your advertising must also become more diverse and savvy – especially if you’ve approached your marketing the same way for years. Plus, there’s more competition for your customers’ attention and loyalty than ever before. Even if you like your current agency, consider expanding your agency mix to bring diversity to your marketing – and more customers to your business.

  1. Your agency simply takes orders.

When was the last time your agency presented you with a fresh idea? Something that could bring in new customers or create an additional revenue stream? The best agencies don’t deliver only what you ask for. They give you what your business needs.

  1. The competition out-hustles you.

Right now, your competition is doing everything in its power to take away your customers. Your company and its agency partners need to use every creative idea you can to stay one step ahead of the competition.

  1. Your agency is a navel-gazer.

Your agency is more concerned about promoting itself than promoting you. You’ll know if it’s true.

  1. You’re always waiting on your agency.

For decades, agencies have touted the mantra “Good. Fast. Cheap. You can pick two.” With the speed of commerce today, your company doesn’t have the luxury to allow your agency to live by this axiom. You can have it all – you just need the right partners.

Tips for Becoming a Digital Account Expert

Working in client service for an advertising agency is exciting, challenging and ever-changing. Clients switch agencies, technology evolves, new clients are acquired, and somehow you’ve got to learn to adapt to new roles – and fast. Here’s what I’ve learned as someone who’s had a crash course in transitioning from traditional accounts to working exclusively on digital:

Don’t be Afraid to Say What You Don’t Know.
It’s easy to want to build yourself up as a digital account expert to your clients, but sometimes “faking it till you make it” can backfire. When dealing with a new trafficking process, a new vendor or even just new terminology, it’s important to be truthful with yourself and with your clients and speak up when you need more clarification. You’ll gain the knowledge you need, and your clients will appreciate your honesty.

A wise man once said, “The more that you read, the more things you will know.” That man was Dr. Seuss, and while it may sound simple, sometimes the hardest thing to do as an account person is to make time to read up on what’s going on in our industry. Staying current with the latest articles, industry trends, blog posts and online tutorials can help propel you to digital account superstardom.

Stay Organized.
When managing a digital account, organization will save your sanity. With multiple components and large amounts of asset requirements, being organized isn’t an option – it’s a necessity. Here are easy organization tips anyone can implement:

  • Keep spec sheets handy and reference them often.
  • Always make sure all project details are available in writing.
  • Create a naming convention for files and make sure the team sticks to it.
  • Make time to talk through everything face-to-face with the creative team.
  • Don’t rely on email to relay important updates.

Volunteer for More!
This might seem like the last thing you’ll want to do when you’re working on an unfamiliar account, but the more exposure you get, the more you learn and the better you’ll be at delivering on clients’ needs. Always jump at the chance to be a problem solver and a lifesaver for your client.

Digital technology is rapidly evolving and clients’ digital needs are changing even faster, but it’s never going so fast that you can’t catch up. Anyone is capable of working on a digital account as long as they’re willing to put in the time and effort it takes to become great.

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