Does Your Agency Have a Proofreader?

grandmaAs a proofreader in the advertising business for more than 30 years, I am astounded at how many ad agencies do not provide this service. Agencies are stewards of your brand and, as such, are charged with safeguarding it at all times. Typos and legal errors scream lack of trust, credibility and professionalism.

  1. First impressions. We all know what people say about first impressions. You could have a beautiful website or amazing print ad, but a typo can quickly kill the effectiveness of any marketing investment.
  2. Pricing/legal compliance. When advertising a product that features a price, your agency should always double-check that figure. I once saw a TV commercial in which the sale price was greater than the regular price! But it doesn’t end with prices and misspelled words; there are trademarks, logos, copyrights and legal disclaimers to check. It is incumbent upon your agency to protect your reputation.
  3. Multiple proofings. A really good agency will proofread a project at all stages: each draft of a document, at layout, after final client approval and at printer-proof stage. Copy may inadvertently get deleted or duplicated, files can be corrupted or an old file gets saved and collected. An error could be missed at all prior stages and be caught on a printer proof.
  4. Multiple proofers. Just as important as having multiple proofing stages is having backup proofreaders, people with a fresh set of eyes and for those times when the proofreader is out. Also, backup proofers each bring their unique visual perspective; one may notice a font change, another may notice a double space. The more eyes on a project, the better.

Don’t wait until that embarrassing breach of trust or integrity. Protect your brand and help position yourself in the best possible light at every exposure. Ask your agency about their proofing process. If it doesn’t have one, it may be time for a new agency.

Media Pitching 101

Pitching to the media is a crucial part of public relations. Every story must be specifically angled to immediately grab the reporter’s attention.

Here are 3 quick and helpful tips on how to better pitch and land your story!

  1. Get. To. The. Point!
    Journalists and reporters receive hundreds of PR and advertising pitches all day. With so many frequent requests, it’s easy for your pitch to get dumped if it’s too long. When you get straight to the point and cut the fluff, it makes their jobs so much easier. List the “Five W’s” and you’ll be good to go: Who, What, When, Where and Why!
  2. Follow Up With A Call
    You can assume that if you didn’t get a response to your email pitch, it probably wasn’t seen. Follow up with a call to the reporters to trigger their memories about your pitch. Regardless of their decision to cover your story, they’ll remember the personable voice interaction.
  3. Know Your Beat
    Double-check your media lists and know your beat. If you’re pitching a story concerning sports, don’t email the education reporter just because they work at the specific outlet in which you want coverage. Over time, you can build great relationships with the journalists and reporters whom you frequently contact. This can also give you a better chance at scoring coverage as well.

Contact us today about successfully executing your next PR campaign.

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