As a CMO, your job is to help build a great brand. But with fewer resources and less money, this is not an easy task. So how can you tell if you’re doing your job well even with all of the challenges? Simple. Ask yourself one question: Would people be willing to get a tattoo of your brand? There may not be a better litmus test for brand passion.
Month: November 2015
Chicago Fires Up Ad Agencies
We’re still feeling the heat from the Chicago gathering of Worldwide Partners’ North American meetings a few weeks ago.
Top experts in the Advertising and Marketing field fired us up with insights to help carry our clients and agencies into the months and years ahead.
There’s so much to share, but here are some points that I hope help you as much as they are helping us:
- “Creativity” shouldn’t be all that an agency is about. Creativity may be the ticket to the game, but creative has to have a purpose. Our mission is to help you improve your results. We have to lay that out for our clients. (Michael Farmer, Chairman & Chief Executive Officer – Farmer & Company)
- Time is the scarcest resource of all. You can do anything you want, but you can’t do everything. Consumers are telling us, “I want it my way. I want to dictate everything, and I can.” This is why subscriptions and “appointment TV” are all going away. It will continue to be about streaming, binging, time shifting. And authenticity is all that matters. Paid Tweets are BS. (Howard Tillman, CEO – 1871)
- Change for agency leaders requires “Guts + Grit.” Going after amazing vision requires both. Grit allows you to not get derailed. If you aren’t who you are, it’s incredibly hard not to morph into what others want you to be. Staying anchored in the status quo keeps you attached to your past and confines your future. (Jen Spencer, Founder – The Creative Executive)
I’m glad our agency is an investor/owner in Worldwide Partners, our network of 70 agencies in 45 countries and the world’s 10th largest full-service agency network, public or private. We’ve got the grit, guts and vision to take our clients where they need to be – the top.